Decoding the wrap
The virtual grid wrap in the previous image is the underlying structure for the Treaty of 1868 project. What follows here are some basic descriptions of my working process. However, it isn’t necessary to understand the complex mathematical maneuvers used to generate the grids any more than it is necessary to understand computer code in order to use the internet.
The three drawings represented here were created in order to take the harmonic progressions from the computer model of the grid wrap and configure them as a series of lines and numbers on paper. In redrawing the progressions the numbers of the progression are identified and then can be used to generate new drawings.
The first step in this complex process is to capture a section of the virtual wrap and have it plotted out and printed on paper. The result is a matrix of unidentified lines. In order to identify the progressions, the lines are redrawn and given their appropriate numbers. They are designated by a simple means. 1-1 means the first line in the progression generated by 1. The second line in the progression generated by 1 is written 1-2, then 1-3 and so on to infinity. If the next number in the progression is 2 then its iterations are 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 and so on.
The first drawing on the left was created by drawing out just the basic harmonic progressions starting at the 0 point. These progressions, such as I have been using for many years begin at zero and radiate out in 4 directions. Each number is designated by a different color in the drawing.
In the virtual wrap these harmonic progressions are projected into the computer model of the room and allowed to wrap around the room to infinity. The first drawing separates the original grid matrix from the lines further out in the progression that cycle back and wrap around the room.
In the second drawing the lines that cycle back and wrap around the room are drawn in white on top of the basic harmonic progression. This matrix of lines is identical to those in the virtual wrap, but here they are both color-coded and numbered for identification.
In the third drawing the lines that cycle back and wrap around the room are drawn in white. The red lines underneath them are the progressions generated by the number one and are functioning here to establish the location of the white lines in relation to the 0 point.
The Treaty of 1868 grids used to create patterns for the canvas grounds have all been generated from the grids in the third type of drawing represented here. There are 8 grid designs for this project.